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Where to Ride?



3. Tours

A mountain biking tour is usually a day trip during the weekends. Duration can be from a couple of hours to 10 and more. The lengths can vary from a modest 20 km to a hefty 90 km and more. But the usual length is from 30 to 50 km, depending on the difficulty of the terrain. It is nice, if a tour runs along a loop type trail, but this can not always be fulfilled.


Tours are usually in the area that you have to get to by car or other means of transportation. It is nice to have a trail description and/or a map, so that you can plan ahead and know if it is going to be interesting and fun, not on the asphalt all the time. Mountain biking is still young sport and therefore there are not that many way marked trails as with hiking. So book guides and Internet are your primary sources. You shouldn't forget the bike magazines and other hardcopy media. 


But maybe it is most interesting to explore the land by yourself. You just need to get the right maps.




Monte Altissimo (Garda)


1. Intro

2. Local rides

3. Tours

4. Expeditions

5. Traveling







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17. junij 2004 

Copyright © Marjan Tkavc