Off road for cyclists


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Where to Ride?



1. Introduction

So, you bought yourself a real mountain bike and most of the necessary equipment. You got to know your new friend, tried out your neighborhood, and now it's time to move on...


You definitely need maps, if you really want to explore new terrain. Well, that does not necessarily mean, that you can't have fun riding in the hills on the other side of the town and without any maps. A mountain bike is like a four wheel drive car. It can get you almost anywhere, you just need to push those pedals.


Mountain biking is a dusty and muddy adventurous recreation for me, on more or less steep terrain. And it doesn't have to be in the mountains. The real off-road riding is quite different from other sorts of cycling - road, traveling, BMX, indoor, etc. But I believe it is the only kind that brings you closer to nature. It can all be around the corner, if you live in Montana, or you can experience it a bit farther away.


There are four different kinds of mountain biking:

  • local rides

  • tours

  • expeditions

  • traveling






1. Intro

2. Local rides

3. Tours

4. Expeditions

5. Traveling







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17. junij 2004 

Copyright © Marjan Tkavc